• 720.845.6900
  • info@verdadresources.com
  • 1125 17th St., Suite 600 Denver, CO 80202

Responsibly Developing Colorado Oil And Gas Reserves

Welcome to Verdad Resources

Verdad Resources is a pure-play operator focused exclusively on horizontal development in the DJ Basin. Our people are our most valuable assets and our focus on teamwork and individual accountability foster a culture of safety, integrity, and hard work. With a deep respect for individuals, the land and the communities adjacent to our assets, we strive to establish durable and mutually beneficial relationships in areas where we operate.

Owner Relations

We make it easy to access important information related to your interests and assets.


We focus on horizontal Niobrara and Codell formation development in the DJ Basin.


We increase commercial value by introducing new technologies to proven areas

Operational Focus

Verdad Resources’s core area of operations is in the Wattenberg Field of the Denver-Julesburg Basin (DJ Basin), a prolific oil and gas producing region where we have long-term, hands-on experience.

Have Questions? Get in Touch.

24-Hr. Emergency Service

Denver Office

1125 17th Street, Suite 600
Denver, CO 80202

Fort Morgan Office

325 West Platte Avenue
Fort Morgan, CO 80701

Dallas Office

5950 Sherry Lane,
Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75225